
        Your method sounds great, but you want to be aware of product liability.
I work for a large southern CA hosp.  CA is probably the most litigious
state in the union, so we are constantly concerned about liability.
Whenever a product is changed from it's original form or used for a purpose
other than it's intent, there is no longer any product liability insurance.
 Also, if your hospital does not have a policy for your using the syringe
in this manner, you could be held liable for any problems  with the product
or any problems that the patient perceives she has with the product either
in the hospital or when she gets home.  I realize this is frustrating and
really curbs our ability to be creative with problems and equipment.  It
takes lots of red tape at our institution to get going with some of the
most simple solutions to problems.  It's unfortunate, but it is the world
we live in.

Donna Zitzelberger, RN, BSN, IBCLC