I teach breastfeeding at a number of clinics run by a health fund.
In contract to private classes run by the Childbirth Education Center
where the participants are usually extremely motivated and well-read,
there is a real mixture at the health fund.  Last night, for example, I
had a physician & wife, a new immigrant Russian couple who barely
understood Hebrew, a yuppie-type couple who knew almost as much as we
do, a very anti-bf mother-to-be who walked out half-way, two couples who
appeared to uneducated/had a difficult time understanding the concepts
and so on...

My question is:  How do you lecture to such a diverse class?  The
childbirth educators I work with experience the same problems in the
public prenatal classes and would like your imput.

Susan Nachman-Srebrnik, IBCLC
Ranana, Israel