I am working with a mom of a 5# 6oz - 39 week infant who is having great
difficulty latching onto mom large nipples.  Baby has a small mouth
opening even with a full gape.  Moms nipples are everted.  Baby will
latch onto the nipple only and cannot seem to grasp enough of the areola
to illicit milk removal.  Baby will suck eagerly and then dis-attach from
the breast after a few seconds.  Mom has been very patient and works with
baby for several minutes every feeding.   Baby has great rooting reflex
and mom has been avoiding bottles and primarily finger feeding so far.
Weight has dropped to 5# 2 oz since birth (4-27-98) and been stable.

I would appreciate any suggestions to help this family and TIA for your
Beth McHugh RN, BSN, IBCLC
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

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