I have read, heard, and experienced to a degree that a supersedure or swarm
replacement queen can raise very defensive bees and the hive can become
difficult to work.  I have several questions related to this.
If the offspring of the mother queen are gentle, why shouldn't the offspring
of the daughter of a gentle mother be gentle too?  Is the temperament of the
offspring determined by the genetics of the drone(s)?
What sort of temperament should I expect from the offspring of a replacement
Midnite queen or a replacement Buckfast queen, and why? (if anyone can tell me)
What if a new Buckfast queen from a gentle mother mates with several Carniolan
(or Italian for that matter) drones that are also from gentle hives, what
should I expect?  Or do I just have to wait and see what happens?
So how is it that queen breeders are able to raise gentle queens resulting in
gentle workers?  (Maybe it's a secret?)
Layne Westover
College Station, Texas