A few breastfeeding friends and I decided we would mail in every coupon
for free formula we could find. Our lofty idea was that we would really
be hurting the formula companies by having them waste all that postage on
us. Boxes and boxes of the stuff arrived at our homes. We then faced the
dilema of what to do with it. I occasionally did pull up a box of the
stuff to use a as foot stool while nursing! We thought of donating it to
the food bank. There are people who could use it. But that some how
seemed like condoning the stuff. We wound up  letting it clutter up our
basements until it outdated and then threw it out. Kind of like letting
stuff get moldy in the fridge before you toss it. Or don't you all do
 The down side was we put ourselves on all kinds of mailing lists. But we
did get free diapers!  Too bad we can't give free samples of breastmilk.
The differnce between the taste of formula and breastmilk is like the
difference between chalk and ice-cream.
 Mary Graden LLL Idaho