> I often wonder what large numbers of moms openly BF in public would do.

I keep forgetting to ask moms in our LLL groups to practice "birthday
nursing".  I think if once a month, on her child's birthday number (the
16th, the 9th, whatever), each mother who is willing to would go someplace
where she doesn't normally see mothers nursing in public and do so, it
could be the start of a revolution.

In our fairly liberal community, when I've encouraged mothers just to nurse
in public, they always say, "But I already do!"  No, they don't.  They
nurse at the health food store, or on our more liberal Commons, but since
they are less likely to *go* to the redneck mall, they're less likely to
*nurse* there.  I'm suggesting going to one of those less supportive
places, and making a point of doing it but only once a month and not as a

Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC, LLLL  Ithaca, NY