> 1.  Keep quiet bees - requeen with queens from a breeder you trust
> every 2nd year. 2.  Asking that neighbours should be able to mow 5 yards
> from a hive is a little difficult...
Universal advice can be a bit misleading.  Bees do behave very differently
in different locales.  Bees that would eat you alive in Southern Ontario
can be worked without a veil in Alberta.  I know I've moved bees from
there to here.  Andy has often talked about how vicious normal bees get
when taken to some areas of Arizona.
I have had close to 1,000 hives in my front yard at home temporarily with
delivery people and neighbours coming and going without incident.  ...And
we mowed close to them and even picked up the hives to mow under them at
mid-day without veils.
However, I would not recommend that people try it unless they know what
they are doing.  Once again, the best advice is don't consider this
worldwide list to be the last word.
Ask around locally.