About a year ago the mom of one of my patients stop BF at 3 months because of recurring right sided engoegement. She would feed until empty then her breast would fill and start engorgement. I suggested that when this happen after feeding she pump that breast until relief then stop. This didnt work, the breast quikly filled. An IBCLC in my office at the time suggested she hand express to relief, maybe the pump was too much stim. Still not helpful.
At 3 months she stopped BF and saw her OB/GYN and had normal exam. This mom told me she was "living on tylenol and ibuprofen" and "I'd rather have labor pains than what my breast has felt like for 3 months".
After stopping BF the discomfort gradually went away.
I asked Ruth Lawrence MD about this as to what I should do if I ever see this again in the future. This bothered the good doctor and she suggested mom have her breast imaged. I relied this to the GYN doc and mom had negative ultrasound a few months apart.
Anybody have any thoughts?
thanks, Rob