Alden Marshall
B-Line Apiaries
Hudson, NH 03051
[log in to unmask]
tel. 603-883-6764
On Sat, 28 Feb 1998 03:23:09 -0600 "Excerpts from BEE-L"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>From:          James C Bach <[log in to unmask]>
>To:            [log in to unmask]
>inner covers.  Beats me.  Is it vibration as a means of communication?
>f.)  With noisy bottom hive because of a poor queen down below, the
>will often move up to the more attractive queen in the top nuc, often
>filling two westerns and hanging out of the top entrance like a swarm.
        My guess there is alot of worker drift in the double colony
therefor pheromone mix. Perhaps the easiest way to determine this would
be to use 1 queen with dark progeny and one with light ?
>But, the more mature I get, I may go back to single queens just for
>practical reasons.
        I have [matured] enough to be happy with single queen systems.
>Regards all
>James C. Bach
>WSDA State Apiarist
>Yakima WA
>[log in to unmask]
>[log in to unmask]
>509 576 3041
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