Before Xmas I asked for back-up for a mother who had been told by her
surgeon to wean her baby prior to Mums surgery for a long-standing thigh
abscess. Thanks to all who responded.

She had surgery on Tuesday this week. Nursed her baby in the hospital
car-park before admission amd told the staff she had weaned. She
'confessed' after the operation. The nursing staff were supportive and
borrowed a pump from the maternity unit for her. Unfortunately it did
not work so she used a hand pump I had lent her. She was put on
antibiotics which were luckily O.K for nursing. The surgeon saw her just
as she was going home, having breastfed during her baby's visits. He
told her again that she should wean, as the antibiotics would cause
violent sickness and diarrhoea in the baby.
Needless to say, she and baby are fine and feeding full-time again.

Although I am so glad that all is well, I am still angry that she felt
she had to resort to subterfuge to continue nursing. I wonder how many
other mothers and babes he has put at risk because they did not have
Carolyn Westcott RN IBCLC