I had to share a story that my dad related when I first began breastfeeding.
 Growing up in western Kentucky in the '30s, formula was not even an option
for the "farm folk".  Dad told me that the back row of the small Catholic
Church was for the new mothers, and being discreet while breastfeeding was
not an issue.  He said that the whole row of women had their t--s out,
feeding their baby!  Have times changed or what?

Another comment about being discreet:  I have had mothers say they were
completely turned off to breastfeeding by someone "whipping out the boob" on
a table at McDonald's to breastfeed.  Of course, they were under the
impression that it's not possible to be discreet while breastfeeding, so they
weren't going to even try!! (does this sound like an excuse?)  I do feel that
many people are not comfortable with their body image, so I agree it's
important to teach discreetness...and then practice it.  This doesn't mean
hiding under a blanket or in a bathroom, but also not being an exhibitionist!
 There is a happy medium, yes?

I love Lactnet, and am so impressed with everyone's comments and info!

Therese Weickert, RNC, BSN, CLE
Grand Junction, CO