Hi, I just got on the list, and I haven't even received any mail from you yet.
I an a graduate nursing student at the Univ of Louisville, Ky -woman's health
nurse practitioner student to be exact.  I am planning on replicating a study
by Crowell, Hill, & Humenick (1994) : The relationship between obstetric
analgesia and time of effective breastfeeding,  Journal of Nurse-Midwifery
39(3) 150-56.  The study uses a tool by M. Kay Matthews: Infant Breastfeeding
Assessment Tool (IBFAT).  I have been VERY unsucessful in obtaining this tool
or even finding Crowell or Matthews.  ANY HELP would be MOST APPRECIATED!!!!!
You cna respond directly to me if you wish:  [log in to unmask]
                                Thanks so much!