Hello to all--
Regarding Opal's "demotion" by her hospital because one mother complained and
"felt guilty", I wanted to share with you how I have dealt with this

In our community, the majority of care providers are encouraging their
patients to bf prenatally, in addition to strong encouragement in Lamaze
classes, etc.  Sooo, when a mother has chosen bottle feeding, and I visit
with them in the hospital after birth, I usually open the subject with the
question--"Is there a reason you chose to bottle feed?"  When the answer is
given, I can then dispel myths, reassure that blah blah blah doesn't always
happen or in some instances support the mother in her choice (even tho I
don't agree).  We can't win them all (not YET anyway), and I've come to
realize that some mothers will not breastfeed no matter WHAT we say!
  Sometimes, however I have been able to convince a mother to "give it a try"
because she was basing her decision to bottle feed on misinformation.  It
took me awhile to figure out which "battles" were worth fighting.  Hang in
there, Opal, and ask the mothers that loved your support and information to
write some letters!!

Loving the Lactnet--

Therese Weickert, RNC, BSN, CLE
(believe me, I never actually write all those initials after my name--it's
fun to type them tho!)
Grand Junction, CO