I got a request for information from a La Leche League Leader regarding
a mother with Crohn's disease who is nursing a one-year old.  The mother,
although only in her mid-30's, has decreased bone density due to extensive
steroid use for the Crohn's.  (Since I got this third-hand, I don't know if
this was determined pre-pregnancy and lactation or not.)  Because of this,
her doctor is urging her to wean, which she does not want to do.  I know
there are studies indicating that, although there is bone loss during
lactation, recovery  takes place after weaning and, in fact, women who
breastfeed are at lower risk of osteoporosis.  However, this mother obviously
has special considerations which may not be covered by the studies available.
 Does anyone out there have any hard data, references, etc., that could be of
use to this mother and her doctor?  TIA, Miriam <[log in to unmask]