On Fri, 9 May 1997 10:12:43 -0500 Brian K Seastrunk <[log in to unmask]>
> Can somebody recommend a treatment that will cure this
>once and for all? How much and how long?  I hope you don't tell me to
>paint my rear purple, but I am pretty desperate anyway!
>Kathy G.


I don't know if this will help you once and for all, but it is a very
effective treatment. In fact, I have never seen anyone use it and not
have the yeast clear up ( a couple of them did need to repeat the
treatment at a later date ). Get some 00 capsules at the health food
store and some boric acid from the drug store. Fill four capsules. Insert
one in the vagina each night for 2 nights. Skip a night and then do one
per night for two more nights.
