On Wed, 17 Sep 1997 05:54:46 -0600, Excerpts from BEE-L wrote:
>From:          "<Matthew J Allan>HELP" <[log in to unmask]>
>At Apimondia in Belgium two weeks ago, I looked at some Neopta
>refractometers, made in the Czech Republic. Can anyone give me a contact so
>that I can get in touch with the manufacturer or the supplier?
>Matthew J Allan
Dear Mathew,
Try to ask the people in the Union of Beekeepers
                             Kremencova 8
                             115 24 Praha
                                    Czech Republic
or at
                             Bee Research Institute at Dol
                             252 66 Libcice n. Vlt.
                                    Czech Republic
Best regards,
Vladimir Ptacek
Fac. Sci., Dept. Anim. Physiol.       E.mail: [log in to unmask]
Masaryk University                    phone:  ..420/5/41129 562
611 37 Brno, Czech Republic           fax:    ..420/5/41211 214