Jerry Bromenshenk wrote:
 I have received some rather nasty comments that this is a
> discussion list, not a software design group.
I believe that methods of recording apiary information are of definite
interest to many members of this list. No one seems to object to
discussion of methods of mite control, methods of feeding, methods of
uncapping etc. etc. Why object to discussing methods of record keeping?
Subscription to the list implies use of a computer for obtaining
information about beekeeping; surely software for direct use in beekeeping
is of interest to many of us. It certainly is to me.
Some people with small apiaries have no need of software to keep
records, some people with large apiaries and lots of experience have no
need of information about types of extractors and methods of uncapping.
You can easily take from this list what you find valuable and delete the
Donald Aitken
11710-129 Street
Edmonton Alberta Canada
T5M 0Y7