Kim Pincus,
   I too have faced the same situation, also as a certified child birth
educator in one hospital setting.  I was "Told" that equal time must be
devoted to bf and breastfeeding. (in the infant care classes) I debated
this issue and heard the old familiar song "can't make them feel guilty"
So, the way I handle it now, is several ways:

*  Don't mention it at all in these classes. (just didn't get to it)

*  at the start of the class, I ask for all topics that people wish to
have covered , since in 2 hrs I can't possibly talk on everything that I
must cover.  If formula feeding is mentioned, I mention the
cost,(emphasize that to the dads) the hassle of boiling everything, more
trips to the Md's for ear aches, illness etc and then these are the types
(conc, ready made etc)and proper mixing of water to mix.

*  mention that our hospital is working on BFHI, Surgeon General goal
*   I am gathering my list of disadvantages and thought I might do a
dis/adv group session.Informed decision...
*  the second hospital that I work at, we have 6 weeks sessions 12hrs -
 cover 1-3 week L/D, C/s, meds etc(its tight for time)    4th week,
postpartum    5th "Feeding your baby" spending all on bf,  ( tee hee )
and week 6 -Infant care
 My research project that I have been working on, is showing that because
of this, our rates of BF is MUCH higher than the control grp.Hope this
Anxious to hear more thoughts from other CBE out there in Lactnet
Arnold, Maryland