My name is Glenni Lorick. I was a subscirber in the early days of
Lactnet, but during a lot of transition, wasn't able to keep up with my
subscription. I am an IBCLC living in Costa Rica (where we have been
attending language school). In December we will go to PerP.
I have a couple of questions. 1. Is anyone out there in Lactnet land
currently working in PerP? I'd love to make contact with you.  2. I am
teaching a capacitation course here to women who want to work with
breastfeeding mothers in marginal communities. I have some good
resources in Spanish, but I am looking for more. Does anyone have any
suggestions of good videos, teaching materials, etc. in Spanish?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
Glenni Lorick, BSE, IBCLC
San JosI, Costa Rica