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Introducing the Bee Pages electronic DICTIONARY OF BEEKEEPING TERMS
 In the early fifties, two international beekeeping organisations,
 IBRA ( U.K.), and APIMONDIA (Romania & Italy), decided to compile a
 dictionary of beekeeping terms in different languages, as an aid for
 translating beekeeping litterature while facilitating international
 contacts in the beekeeping community by removing language barriers.
 This dictionary was published in printed form, as computers were not
 yet as widely available as they are now.
 A long list of volumes has since been published, starting in 1951.
 General editor of the series of volumes is dr. Eva Crane.
 While these books have served their purpose well over the years,
 in 1994 a new idea sprang up in the mind of yours truly:
 perhaps it is possible to put some 1000 beekeeping terms into a database
 and enormously facilitate looking up of a term and the associated
 It was then decided to use computer telecommunication facilities to
 compile a totally new wordlist in all languages spoken in the various
 European countries. A list of about 1000 beekeeping terms in english
 was sent via modem to Germany, Finland and Sweden, while French and
 Dutch translators were found in Holland.
 All through 1995/96 everybody set to work to translate and type out
their wordlist. The results were received by modem in Amsterdam, were
the wordlists are being prepared for use in the dictionary.
We are now slowly approaching completion of a first stage in the project:
A free demonstration version of the program has been placed on our website at
Unforseen circumstances have delayed the project somewhat, but we hope to
make good progress during the coming winter.
                        Hugo Veerkamp
  Email:                        mail : the Bee bbs
  [log in to unmask]                   P.O. BOX 51008
 (send only SMALL files)               1007EA AMSTERDAM
  Apinet : 340:231/100                 The Netherlands
  Beenet : 240:31/0             modem: +31 20 6764105
  Fidonet: 2:2801/28            voice: +31 20 6715663

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 * Origin: zzz the BEE bbs Amsterdam Holland +31 20 6764105 zzz (240:31/0)