To our medication experts (some of whom are out of town, I think):
Of the common nonsedating antihistamines used around here for seasonal
allergies, namely claritin (loratadine), allegra (fexofenadine), and
seldane (terfenadine) - which would be best used by the nursing mother as
far as its safety for her child. Is there any new info on them? There is
very little info available in the usual refs. The loratadine has been
tried and did not work well, dr. wants mom to use fexofenadine. The
nursling in question is a healthy 3 y.o., nursing a.m., naptime,
evenings, and a few times at night.
Laurie Wheeler, Rnc, mn, ibclc
Violet LA (s.e. US) - allergy season is upon us.