>In a message dated 97-09-24 13:54:36 EDT, you write:
><< "...  When infants are bottle fed, the others in the family can
>also share
> in the pleasurable experiences of feeding the baby."  "
> My comment to this is:  WHere are these people when the infant, who
>is 9 mo old and smearing food in their hair, needs cleaning? Where are
>for cleanup help when the kid is 2 yrs and throwing food on the floor?
>I'd just as soon have them save all their "joy of baby feeding" to later
>I really need help feeding the baby! >>

I had never thought of that !!! What I always think when I hear this is -
why is it that holding a baby and sticking a bottle in its mouth is
thought to be so great ? I find that just holding them is plenty
pleasurable. To put a bottle in their face would only obstruct my view !!

Who spent 40 min this afternoon holding and staring and studying a
sleeping 2 week old baby girl whose birth I attended - the highlight of
my day !!!