Dear Representative Fox-
     IAs one of your consituents, I am pleased that you are so concerned for
our youth.  The Alliance for Youth event should draw attention to and stir
interest in policies and facilities that influence our young people.
     As a nurse, health educator, and lactation consultant, I am concerned
with the infant formula connection.  If we truly desire a "healthy start" for
our little ones, we will direct our efforts toward protecting, promoting and
supporting breastfeeding, not perpetuating the artificial feeding culture.
 It is now abundantly clear that formula feeding leads to increased rates of
infection, disease, and hospitalization. At risk populations, i.e. those
targeted to receive the donated formula, stand the most to lose by artificial
feeding and the most to gain by breastfeeding.
     There is so much that needs to be done to educate the public about the
risks in formula feeding and to support mothers' choosing to breastfeed.  Our
particular locale has almost no breastfeeding promotion programs in place,
via WIC, the health departments, and the clinics.  Yet research has shown
that every dollar spent in breastfeeding promotion saves several in health
care costs.
    The 'can of formula' admission to this week-end's event is a misguided
attempt to help those less advantaged.  I, for one, would be happy to work
with you to develop programs to truly get our children off to a healthy

-Debi Page Ferrarello, RN, IBCLC
Abington, PA