Hello!  I'm Doraine Bailey.  I have probably met many of you by phone,
fax, and in person.  Now we can meet through the ether as well.  I am
ILCA's World Breastfeeding Week Coordinator, as well as a general
breastfeeding busybody in Kentucky.  I am also busy researching the
health care costs associated with infant feeding methods.

In 1993, I wrote a pamphlet entitled "The Potential Health Care Cost of
Not Breastfeeding."  It was a model to assist businesses in determining
if worksite support for breastfeeding would be cost-effective for their
health plans and company bottom line.  Apparently, someone on Lactnet
really liked this pamphlet.  Thank You!  However, I'd like to let you
all know that it is currently out-dated and out-of-print.  Thanks to
everyone who has called requesting this piece.  I'm currently
investigating revising this piece in preparation for World Breastfeeding
Week 1998.  I'm very interested in the needs of Lactnet subscribers for
such information -- who are you targeting with such information?  I'd
appreciate your feedback to my e-mail address.

Thanks and I look forward to participating in Lactnet!

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