Dear Peter -
I too noticed this subject line.  I am a LLL leader but I am also the
daughter of a radiolgist and the wife of a gastroenterologist.  Doctor
bashing is an on-going problem with some LCs and LLL leaders.  Heaven knows
that I have my own collection of dumb things doctors say.  I have also heard
my medical friends and relations cite the dumb things patients say.  LCs and
LLL leaders don't always see eye to eye either, so LCs also have a collection
of dumb things LLL leaders say.  I even hear a few dumb things LCs say.
My point is, please don't be offended.  No, it is not right to make blanket
statements about physicians.  Obviously the person who wrote is not talking
about you or the other physicians who are well educated in lactation.
 Sometimes we just need to vent our frustration with some medical
professionals who think they know more than they do. As you said yourself
"Some doctors are worse than others".
We leaders and LCs are so pleased to have physicians like you on Lactnet,
knowing that you are time out of your busy schedule and making the effort to
learn more about a subject that is near and dear to our hearts.  We also
appreciate having you and your expertise here when we need to learn more
about a treatment or medical condition involving one of our bf moms or
babies. You could help us by letting us know how we can better work with
physicians.  Please know how welcome you are and forgive us when we need to
blow off steam sometimes.
Cynthia D. Payne
LLL of Berkshire County Mass.