Dear Lactnetters,
     I teach breastfeeding classes at the local hospital and one of the
questions arose re: prenatal preparation.  The discussion lead to" what
if one hasn't had a breast exam with their OB ?", and I asked how many
had not...It was about 10 out of 14 couples!. In my 7 years of teaching,
I had never thought of asking this question before.
      I see the need to ask you fellow friends out there, the best data,
sources,outlines, slides etc  (not to recreate the wheel) to give an
inservice or two. I can be emailed privately, although I can imagine
others out there would find it helpful.
        By the way, I am a certified childbirth educator with ICEA, not
bradley or Lamaze. We all have one goal, and that is to help the women to
make informed decisions of her medical care.
Sunny Annapolis, MD where the crabs are running!