One of the advertisers at the LLLI Conference was a company called
Martek.  Their URL is:

They make a DHA supplement for pregnant and lactating women called
NeurominsPL.  They say that DHA levels in breastmilk of American moms is
not as high as it should be, and that all lactating women should take
their supplement...  They say that DHA is added to infant formulas, but
not in the US yet.   They sent me a video and brochures, and a
"scientific" study.  Then I checked out their webpage.  You should
too... They make a product for infant nutrition called Formulaid.

I am so upset that this company is doing this!  Why would I want to give
any woman the message that her milk is not good enough for her baby?

Yikes, this makes me VERY angry!

I am eager to hear your thoughts on it!


Andrea Eastman, MA, CCE, LLLL
Granville, Ohio