The mother of twins I wrote about had an MRI.  She has a herniated disc.  She
is seeing an MD who is also a chiropracter.  She had an adjustment (had had
one two weeks previously by another chiropracter which had made pain worse)
and local injection of "non-steroid anti-inflammatory which is compatible
with breastfeeding."  She is off the carisoprodol, ibuprofen, and
hydrocodone.  She is still pumping and her supply has increased some.  When I
talked to her yesterday, she planned to start giving the babies her breast
milk today (48 hours after stopping carisoprodol).  The physician's assistant
in her pediatrician's office had told her she could not breastfeed while on
carisoprodol or for 48 hr. thereafter.  It seems hard to determine whether
pain or ibuprofen caused decreased supply from this client and from responses
I have received so far.  The mother says she can't breastfeed because the
pain is to great when she lies on her side or holds the babies.  Both
grandmothers are staying with the family to care for the babies.

Thanks to those who sent information.  I'll keep you posted.
