Hi all,

I need some help on this one.  I just got a call from a mom whose baby
was born at 24 weeks gestation.  Baby is now 90 days old and still in the
hospital.  Baby has been tube fed with EBM.  Mom stopped pumping on July
4th.  Baby was really sick, and she thought baby would die.  Due to the
stress, she stopped pumping and has not pumped since.  Things are looking
better--although they still cannot hold baby---I think she said baby is
still on life support.  Mom would like to relactate.  My thoughts are to
start pumping every 2 hours, and fenugreek, but I have no experience with
this.  Would fenugreek work after this amount of time?  What about the
dosage when trying to relactate?  I would appreciate all suggestions.


Gloria Thai  LLLLeader Hawai'i