My personal lifetime experience with tooth decay would seem to indicate
that whatever one eats which has the potential to promote tooth dacay,
would be a contributing factor.  Also to take into consideration  the
chemical composition of the saliva.  This differs in each individual.  As a
child, our home was amply supplied with honey, which did not have to be
bought at a grocey store, just grown in the back yard!  The family dentist
used to tell me that our parents loved me best, because they fed me the
most sweets!  I had all my first teeth extracted by the age of three.
Semi-annual visits to the dentist kept the fillings up to date.  One
memorable set of sittings saw eighteen fillings the fall I was seventeen.
etc., etc., Anecdotal, but factual.  We were supplied with toothbrushes,
but told not to "waste" toothpaste!  I do not remember any instruction on
"hw to "use the tooth brush.  Our parents, I am sure, believed they were
giving us the very best of care.        By age fifty, or so, the problem is
completely solved:  full dentures, no more toothache, or DRILL.
        Contrast this with my children who had fluoridation, dental cleanings,
counselling on brushing techniques, flossing, etc etc. .  Cavities are
almost unknown in all seven of them, and they are now adults, some with
children of their own.
        My opinion:  The modern generation appears to try to "make their fortune"
just about any way they can.  Litigation included.  Bad personal dental
hygiene is the door where I would lay both my own and their problems.
        Just one person's experience.
        "From The Cradle of confederation"
> From: Peter Bray <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re Tooth Decay
> Date: Friday, July 04, 1997 2:03 AM
> We had an employee that had tooth decay during their employment
> with us.  On going to their detist, this employee was informed that
> the tooth decay was related to their job! And was put on Accident
> Compensation, a program funded by employers (mostly) and taxes.
> We disputed the tooth decay being a work related "injury" citing the
> employees part time bar work and poor family history of tooth decay
> as being more likely causes of tooth decay plus the lack of hard
> evidence linking honey consumption and tooth decay.  We have now been
> ruled against on this issue meaning we have to apply for a review
> process and hence will put in an inordinate amount of time preparing
> a defense to this.
> This case will have the potential to set a dangerous precedent plus
> bad publicity spin off for honey.  Does anyone have any information
> relating to a link between tooth decay and honey?  Positive or
> negative.
> Peter Bray,
> Airborne Honey Ltd., PO Box 28, Leeston, New Zealand
> Fax 64-3-324-3236,  Phone 64-3-324-3569  [log in to unmask]
> ----------------------------------------------------------------