In a message dated 97-06-16 13:32:16 EDT, Ned Heite writes:
<< Does anyone have any information on turn-of-the-century roller coaster
 foundations? We have a known roller coaster site, and it stands to reason
 that the roller coaster frame would have required fairly substantial
 footers. It is clear that the structure was created of preassembled bents
 set up in sequence, so a firm and regular footing would be essential. The
 soil is a piedmont floodplain alluvium.
Ned, in Clearfield, Utah (just south of us) exists one of only two roller
coaster design and manufacturing companies in the world (the other is in
Switzerland).  I know one of the people who works at Arrow Dynamics, Inc. and
will pass on your request to them.  They may have some clues about this.
Mike Polk
Sagebrush Consultants, L.L.C.
Ogden, Utah