Hello Netters,

I am in a slight bind right now. (actually a big one).  I have loaned out my
2 videos on cleft lip/palate and can not remember who to.  The one video,
from Switzerland,  is the one showing several babies BF with cleft lip/palate
moms.  Of course, I have a lecture coming up in May and June that I am to be
talking on this topic and showing these videos.  Not too happy right now.
 Any one know address/phone # where I can purchase the videos again?  Please
privately e-mail me if you can save me.  Thanks.

PS.  Vergie Hughes-- tryed to call Milk Bank yesterday and the # they gave me
will not connect to you.  e-mail me, please with your new #.  Thanks.

Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC
The Breastfeeding Connection/Medela
Naperville, IL
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