Dear Kay and Lactnetters,
    I am working with a mom now who is trying to nurse an adopted baby.  She
is using a feeding tube device, pumping, taking herbs.  Lactated several
years ago....
    She is having some difficulties and would greatly appreciate talking with
some other moms who have "been there".
    If any of you have names and phone numbers of mothers who are willing to
talk to this mother, please e-mail me privately.  She would greatly
appreciate it!
     Also, every time her daughter comes to the breast when she is awake and
alert, she rebels at the tube.  She does fine when she's nut yet fully awake.
 I suggested getting her when she's not too hungry, cup feeding to take the
hunger edge off prior to coming to the breast if she's too hungry, offering
the breast with no pressure and no tube for comfort and pleasure, co-bathing.
 Any other ideas?
     -Debi Ferrarello, in Abington, PA