This may the first time in my life I've ever been caught up with Lactnet, and
it's a HEADY feeling.  I'm playing hooky from work, on the excuse that I need
to use the computer and that's at home...but the fluffy white flakes falling
outside the window may be partially responsible for my reluctance to drive
anywhere just now.  And we had temperatures of 70 F (20+ C) yesterday!

So I want to add a comment to my previous post from earlier today.
I was proposing that we talk about *mother's milk* instead of *breast
milk*...and then I went ahead and used *breastmilk* in my next paragraph.
 Just shows how words become a part of how we think.  All the more reason to
use the Right Words---once we agree on what they are!

To revise my suggestions on what to call formula:
*mother's milk replacer* or *mother's milk substitute*, depending on how it
is being used.   Not only does this get rid of the term *breastmilk*, which I
must confess I have never liked, but it spares us the quandary of whether
this is one word or two.  That appostrophe at the end of "mother's" demands a
space before "milk."

Peace, and stay warm.