In a message dated 97-03-31 11:28:02 EST, [log in to unmask] writes:
<< This is our first spring living in North Carolina and have found that
 springtime brings about a daily swarm of "Carpenter Bees".  They swarm all
 around our front door & patio.  We've become prisoners in our own home.
 Is there any type of electronic gadget, special paint, scent, etc available
 on the market that would get them to keep their distance? >>
   Congratulations!   You have a valuable treasure!   You can be sure your
early bloom (pears, peaches, strawberries, plums, etc.) will get pollinated.
   Carpenter bees are curious, friendly, playful bees.  They will NOT sting,
unless there is extreme provocation.  (I have batted them gently with my
hands, and never had a sting!)
   You can play with them, when they hover in front of you, and they will
"mirror" your motions.
   So relax, enjoy!   There is no need to be a prisoner in your own home.
 Come on out and watch one of the wonders of the world!
   We have a hoarde of them around the warehouse; my wife and I get a real
kick out of them.  It's springtime, remember, and they have one thing on
their mind.  It's especially funny when the drones take after a bird.  (Did
your mama ever tell you about the "birds and the bees?")  The birds don't
find it amusing.
   It is sad that people are continuously retreating into climate-controlled,
plastic environments, and they become increasingly fearful of nature.
   Nature does have some REAL threats, like the copperhead I saw yesterday
(and was glad to give him his space), but carpenter bees are not among them.
   Now, if you want to talk PESTS..... let's consider fire ants...... or
german yellow jackets.....
[log in to unmask]    Dave Green,  PO Box 1200,  Hemingway,  SC
29554        (Dave & Jan's Pollination Service,  Pot o'Gold Honey Co.)
Pollination for lay people, students, teachers
....Of bees, beekeepers, and food
Pollination for the pros - those involved in doing it:
Practical Pollination Home Page            Dave & Janice Green
Jan's Sweetness and Light         Varietal Honeys and Gift Sets