A couple of people have recently raised concerns about IBCLCs with
poor practices. Since the primary purpose of the credential is to
protect and serve the best interests of the public, if mothers and
babies are not receiving an appropriate standard of care from an
IBCLC, or if an IBCLC is behaving unethically, then there is a

ILCA publishes an excellent booklet "Standards of Practice for
Lactation Consultants" which anyone working in this field (whether an
IBCLC or not) should have and use as a resource.

IBLCE publishes a "Code of Ethics for IBCLCs" which was printed in
Dec 96 JHL and is also available in brochure format from IBLCE (no
charge).  Send requests, including your postal address to
<[log in to unmask]>

Extract from the Code of Ethics brochure:

IBCLCs shall act in a manner that justifies public trust in their
competence, enhances the reputation of the profession, and
safeguards the interests of individual clients.

To protect the credential and to assure responsible practice by its
certificants, the IBLCE depends on IBCLCs, members of the
coordinating and supervising health professions, employers, and the
public to report incidents which may require action by the IBLCE
Discipline Committee.

Only signed, written complaints will be considered. Anonymous
correspondence will be discarded. The IBLCE will become involved
only in matters that can be factually determined, and will provide
the accused party with every opportunity to respond in a
professional and legally defensible manner.

Complaints which appear to fit the scope of the Discipline
Committee's responsibilities should be sent to:
Chair of the Discipline Committee
PO Box 2348
Falls Church  VA 22042-0348 USA

Hope this is useful,

Ros Escott IBCLC
IBLCE Regional Administrator