The purpose of 'Best of Bee' is to accommodate those who do not enjoy chit
chat so that those of us who do can engage in it here without having to be
self conscious and heed complaints -- since the complainers do now have an
alternative -- 'Best of Bee'. Same with flames.  Flames happen.
Those who don't want to ever see these things should send a note to
[log in to unmask] saying join BestofBee and then send email to
[log in to unmask] saying SET BEE-L NOMAIL
I used to worry about the size of the BEE-L logs when I archived them on my
web server and they got to be over a meg a month.  A large portion of
that size was getting to be trash, huge signatures and tons of irrelevant
quotes form previous posts, along with the mis-directed email that got
inadverently posted to BEE-L.
I don't worry any more.  'Best of Bee' has compact logs of the best stuff
from BEE-L with the sigs and quotes removed, and people can now do as they
please here.  FWIW: You will never change others, so if you are not happy,
make a change yourself and go to Best of Bee.
One of the best things about this list (BEE-L) is the free, uncensored
atmosphere and the open discussion.  Sometimes very important things come
up that would never be discussed if people did not feel free to banter a
So, please, lets not try to tell everyone else what is relevant to
post here -- again.  There is an alternative that filters it out for those
who wish not to see these things.
> > > > Sorry all, I posted to the previous message to the entire list by
> > > > accident.
> > > I for one like to see the answers to these kinds of questions on the
> > > list.  I know the traffic tends to be a little heavy but it's
> > > frustrating when someone asks a good question and the answer goes off
> > > line.
> > > I don't advocate cluttering the list with personal conversations, but
> > > I do think we should all consider whether there might be general
> > > interest in a response before sending it to only one person.
> > Please don't encourage needless chit chat. Not all of us have have much
> > time on our hands as you do.
> My second paragraph addresses "needless chit chat."  I am as busy as
> anyone and don't read anywhere near everything on the list as it is. But
> I was responding to a good answer to a good question.
> I'm putting this on the list even though responding to a privately sent
> note because I think this needs to be aired.  If you have a response that
> would be useful to others besides the person who asked the question,
> share it.
Allen Dick                                  VE6CFK
Rural Route One, Swalwell, Alberta  Canada T0M 1Y0
     [log in to unmask] & [log in to unmask]