In a message dated 97-03-06 10:00:32 EST, you write:

<< From:    "Loretta Haycook,RN,IBCLC" <[log in to unmask]>
 Subject: WIC incentives for Bfing moms

  I don't believe incentives really work.  You are going to breastfeed or
 you're not!  I do like to see something nice said to the moms when they come
 to pick up checks -   to acknowledge their hard work and going above and
 beyond what most moms do!  Its nice to make them feel special - appreciated.
  (We all like and respond to that).
Loretta, I agree that "gifts" don't necessarily get a mother to BF or keep
her BFing any longer than she wants, and I also agree that a pat on the
back/positive strokes are  more effective.  (Each of these things does get
them in the door though )

Let me pose a question to the group: do you think giving hand made gifts
(breast pads, slings, burp cloths) in lieu of the free ABM gift packs is
either apppropriate or unnecessary???  I tried to get a local hospital to let
their auxillary do this and was told in no uncertain terms by the Nurse
Manager that the ABM reps expected their packs to be given out (as
advertisement) in exchange for free stock samples for the nursery.  Our
attempt to solve the problem of "not making the BF mothers feel left out"
when not receiving a "discharge pack" was thwarted.  This experience occurred
5 years ago; this small hospital has since been purchased by  Columbia.  I'm
wondering if a letter campaign to the larger hospital chains with supporting
data on the harm of giving free ABM materials would be of any use???

Liz Flight, RN, CLE, IBCLC