At 10:21 PM 3/6/97 -0500, you wrote:

>Please - there are many people who believe in circumcision for religious
>reasons.  I find this highly offensive.  I certainly do think that the
>timing issue is appropriate for Lactnet.  It is not appropriate to
>discuss *if* it is to be done.

While I must agree that it may not be the proper forum to discuss the
propriety of male circumcision, I also don't feel that pointing out
religious reasons for its being performed is relevant either- in fact it is
for these very same reasons that the genitals of female babies and children
are cut upon the world throughout.  In the case of religious circ, there is
apperently only *one* 'timing' issue involved- 8 days post birth.  So
apparenlty these same folks would be quite offended if we asked them to
wait for a longer period, or to get it done much earlier.

Heidi Murphy
Peer Counselor, BSN Student