Barbara Ackerman, the wizard at Yale's NICU (who helped me bf my 25-weeker 11
years ago) has just completed a very small study of cup feeding babies 32 and
34 weeks old.  Babies were monitored for heart rate, respiratory pattern, and
SpO2 cnages as well as videotaped (the tapes are amazing).  The "lactation
specialist" did the feeding, and feedings were analyzed by the
co-investigators and an OT.  No evidence of stress was found as defined by
study criteria. (I suspect that the specialist was Barb, and she is IBCLC)
     The key here, I think, is that someone familiar both with developmental
stages, feeding of preterm babies, and with the babies themselves was doing
the feeding.  Can it work? Yes.  Can anyone do it?  Maybe not.  Maybe it
works in  countries were there are no alternatives because the people doing
it are familiar with the technique-kinda' like breastfeeding works better in
cultures where it is a normal part of everyday life.  But it would probably
be best to stay away from generalities about these techniques.  Just because
we are unfamiliar with the technique, or the book tells us we can't do it
doesn't make it so.-Ellen Kadden in CT