Hi everyone,

     My experience has been very similar to many of the other responses.  The
thought "give them an inch--they'll take a mile" comes to mind.  I have been
involved in a Bf task force where a nurse from a local hospital saw no
problem in allowing a formula company to be a vender in our August seminar.
 Needless to say, her hospital is not baby-friendly.  Formula companies have
a pervasive role.  We must consider what the goal is.  THE GOAL IS TO SELL
FORMULA.  This goal is diametrically opposed to any support of breastfeeding.
 As it is, many of these companies put out inferior breast pumps.  Why?  So
breastfeeding moms think pumping is the PITS, and turn to formula.  Why is
formula promoted in undeveloped areas where there are unsuitable water
conditions?  Why does G**8*R sell pacifiers with diagrams on the back that err
oneously equate it with the breast?  We all know the answer.  We cannot
afford to be bought by these companies.  Debbie Albert