Hello All,
           Anp of N. America is located in Porterville,CA USA and can be
reached at P.O.BOX 672,  Porterville,CA 93258     (209) 784-9241  c/o  Larry
   each frame costs $2.50 in a box of ten.    Garry Libby   [log in to unmask]
From:   Discussion of Bee Biology on behalf of Vince Coppola
Sent:   Saturday, February 22, 1997 2:03 AM
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        Re: ANP Frames
Albert W Needham wrote:
> He also stated that this was the hive in which he had a super of
"ANP"foundation which was still "chuck-a-bluck" full of capped honey.
ANP apparently is a German manufactured foundation with complete full plastic
He said all the bees do is fill them up with honey an cap the plastic cell
with wax.
ANP foundation was devoloped in and originaly marketed from somewhere in
Europe. It
was produced in CA by Pierco and sold through Dadant for several years. It
caught on because of the high cost, abt $3/frame. The object was to help
varroa by by reducing the post capping period. The cells were tapered so that
the back
of the cell was larger than the entrace providing additional room for larval
That is supposed to make the bee devolop and hatch sooner. At least thats the
way I
remember it. Its been a long time since I've read about ANP so I may be a bit
hazy on
the details.