Deborah Tobin's remarks regarding how seriously hospital administration
take comments from customers is important for those of us working in a
hospital system.  We do the same thing that she does by asking mothers to
write to the hospital administration when they are especially appreciative
of the help received through the lactation center.  Most will not take the

We are currently doing a telephone survey which we will then use for QA
(and other things).  So far the respondents have make favorable comments
and useful suggestions.  One mother said we needed to market our services
more so that people could find out about us easier (the LC staff has been
crying that tune for at least 4 years) said that she liked being
able to have her voice mail message returned even on the week-end.....

I am looking forward to having all of the surveys completed.  We are using
hospital volunteers to make the calls for us.  Results will be sent to
administration and reported at the department head QA meeting.

Pardee Hinson, MPH, IBCLC
Charlotte, NC