Sorry this is delayed- (have been in bed with the flu) but have been thinking
about the three month old who arches away from mom during feeding time. When
my youngest was three months old he did the same thing- the m.d. said he had
cold sores on the back of his throat that made it uncomfortable to swallow.
He was pretty miserable for a few days. Any infant that refuses to nurse
should probably get checked out by an m.d. to rule out ear infection, etc.

Other suggestions- have mom do more non-feeding cuddling, talking and
playing, both with and without  clothes. Suggest that mom lay on her back and
cuddle baby face to face, and try nursing while lying like that. Also,
demonstrate for her how to hold the baby with his/her hips and knees are
flexed at 90', hips abducted, with the baby leaning forward slightly. When
held like this, the baby cannot hyperextend neck and trunk.

Debbie Rabin, OTR, CLC