What is the protocol for administering Depo Provera and Norplant to
breastfeeding moms?  From what I've read it's best to wait six weeks to
establish the milk supply; however, we have a mom who is in an abusive
relationship (and will not leave at this time) and desperately wants
Norplant NOW.  Her baby is about a week old, born at 32 weeks.  She
doesn't want a Depo shot now because she will have to worry about coming
back in three months for the Norplant.  She has several other children of
varying ages and another pregnancy would be devastating for her.  I think
the family doctor (who is totally committed to breastfeeding) agreed to
implant the Norplant at four weeks.  Exactly how much do the hormones
affect the milk supply, and how difficult would nursing be if the hormones
are given earlier?
