An interesting situation has arisen for a friend (LLLL) and I am hoping to be
able to tell her a little more about what might be going on.  Neither of us
(I have been a LLLL for 6 years and an LC very recently) has seen a case of
inadequate glandular tissue.  She just delivered her 4th.  One of her nipples
seems to be more "dense" than the other and that breast ends up producing
much less milk after initial engorgement is over.  The nipple is borderline
inverted, but she is able to draw it out with breast shells.  With each child
this nipple has become abraded, cracked and bled.
At 2 weeks postpartum, she has been able to heal the cracks, but it is still
uncomfortable to nurse on that side as the baby seems to need to suck very
hard to withdraw the milk.  Milk seems to spray out of only 2 holes.  She
also noticed marked delineations all around the breast where some of the
tissue became engorged and the rest did not.  It took several days for the
baby to drain all of these areas, as some of them seemed to be blocked in .
 She says she has no nerve sensation in that nipple also.
Is she dealing with inadequate glandular tissue in part of the breast?  Is
there a cause for this?  She has managed to get around the problem by
eventually nursing on only the one breast, but as you can imagine, it does
make her quite lopsided for  awhile.
This is probably not a problem with a solution, but  I wondered if there was
more to know so that we could help other moms with similar problems have an
easier time of it.

