Hi...my thought on this, quickly, comes from reflection on the status of
nursing as a profession.  I don't know if the comparison is
true..however...I do see that having multiple pathways and levels of
certification has not helped nursing along...there are the 3 yr nurses, the
2 yr nurses, the 4 yr nurses..the masters level nurses..etc.
Professionalism must, in my opinion, have a standard, below which one cannot
call oneself that "thing."....

Reminds me of Bill Cosby's routine...Heh you, ..almost-a-doctor....he yells
at the guy wheeling the stretcher down the hall! : )

Nurses have a hard path as it is...being recognized and paid as
professionals. Here, they are firing nurses left and right as they are too
highly paid. Ha.

By having multiple levels of lactation professionals..this might undermine
things for us , as a profession.

Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC co-owner Lactnet,Corgi-L,TLC, Indep. Consultant
LACTNET Archives http://library.ummed.edu/lsv/archives/lactnet.html