Happy New Year!  I recently asked for help regarding a mom's large nipples
and difficulty with latching, and was astounded at the number and quality
of prompt responses I got.  You cannot imagine how grateful I am to have
such a resource.  I'm a birth and postpartum doula apprenticing in bf work
with a terrific midwife, and were both astounded by the amount of info
received from people all over the world.  Lactnet  is just wonderful!  My
heartfelt thanks to everyone!

BTW, can anyone tell me where to find nursing bras for a mom needing an L
cup?  She has a few from Decent Exposures that are the sports bra style,
but wants more support and cups that open.  Cost is becoming an issue as
well, as they do have a morgage to pay! : )  Any help would be sincerely

Thanks again, Lactnetters!

April in Seattle