Re the 35 wker who at 3 wks was 1 oz below birthwt:  I know some give baby 3
wiks to regain b.wt, but REALLY, if there are not prblems and bf is going
well, the baby should be over b. wt by 2 wk checkup.  I always recommend a 2
wk checkup for all babies, even sooner if problems. BTW I have alot of
respect for a local ped (Dr. Dise are you still out there)who has the family
come back 1, 2 days PP if any problems at discharge and keeps them coming
every couple days til all is fixed.
I would definitley say this baby / the bf is having problems - obviously low
fdgs,etc.  In other words I would NOT say this baby gained well - or am I
misinterpreting the numbers in the post?
Laurie wheeler, rnc, mn, ibclc