Catherine Genna writes,

<< My daughter Alyssa stayed a few weekends with her
 grandparents starting at age 2.  She enjoyed herself, and did not miss me
 overmuch.  I, on the other hand, drove my husband crazy with my
 loneliness for my little ones.  >>

Just want to add, sigh, that even when Bob and I go away for a weekend
without the kids (ages 22, 18, & 12), we end up saying things like, "Oh,
wouldn't it be fun if the kids could be here."  "Oh, wouldn't Timothy just
LOVE this?"  "Jill would kill to be here" and the like.  I guess some of us
don't outgrow our missing the kids even when they grow up.  Or perhaps maybe
one of these days I'LL do the growing up!

Good thing God gave us Timothy although WE stopped at two.  I'd be going nuts
with no children at home right about now....

Jan B